PEACE be upon the WORLD!
Today was 11th Sep.
A black story has been carved on the History pages on this day…I don't wanna talk about the political aspects of what had happened, But what matters most, beside the innocent people who have lost their lives in that accident, is the issue of The Black Mental Image which was produced against the Muslim World!! I just hope that God bless all the dead in that cruel attack. But I also hope that those who read this document, know that we, The Muslims, never want to cause any kind of disturbance…I hope you can understand what I want to say exactly.
I strongly believe that before being a Persian, an Iraqi, a Pakistani, an Asian and a Muslim, WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS, we have a great system of Human law INSIDE; we have also a HEART that beats and is the position of affection, the SOUL that is the place of MORALITY, the kind hands which are created to BUILD and not to destroy…
In any group, in any society, in any religion, in any country and nation, there exists GOOD and BAD, Evil and Virtuous. Positive is positive when it exists beside a negative pole!
So I just hope any one would live in peace, no matter who they worship, where they live, and what the color of their skin is … You are Human with the RIGHT to Live and Love!