
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Everything which is yes!

What a cold weather! It was snowing all the morning! Most of the times, the face of the city changes in rainy or snowy days! Actually there is a sort of melancholy everywhere! It seems that the dust of sadness has been powdered upon the city!! Anyway…

I had almost a busy day. I went to get my entrance card of Master Exam. Among those who had come, the glittering faces were remarkable! I don't know the exact reason of this kind of joy! (I think it's a natural reaction prior to the exam!!). May everyone, who has well studied, get a satisfactory result. Amen!

I had also some banking affaires!! I should have paid the bills!!! It's really the most boring and the most tiresome work to be done, waiting in long messy queues!!!!!!!! … In any case, today was a gift! I enjoyed it! I hope you have also nice times!

I thank God for most this amazing day. For the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes!!

By the way, I am still in the highway of THINKING!!! I would welcome any nice idea which helps having better life, happier moments and more useful existence!

** P.S. Thanks Dear Arash for your Great Comments; I read Mohsen kadivar's article on Ashoora, and It brightened up my mind! About my little Teddy I also agree with you (some to forget some to remember). The poem you had chosen from Shamlu really matches the occasion :)

Thursday, February 22, 2007


There are the moments in which you really need someone to talk to and to share all that's been filled up your heart and mind… But when you look around well, you really can't find anyone to go to! You seem to be totally confused! That doesn't mean that you don't have any reliable friend, or any loved one; but you can't see them! You'd rather prefer to stay alone! In this case, what is missing, in fact, is a comprehensible thought! The person of high mentality, high capacity, and fully trusted to refer to! The one who can really comfort YOU! …

Here I think I am facing the same situation! The solution, which I am profiting from, is talking to my little teddy bear who is the only listener! At least in this way, I am sure what ever I say, would be kept in its imaginary small heart and wouldn't spread out! The second advantage of this strategy is that I would be discharged from the pressure of all annoying & exasperating obsessions!

Maybe this feeling is normal to somehow! Because the last month of the year's been arrived! Pass over "The End" for going towards a "New Beginning". Thinking of the past, thinking about tomorrow… and that's the way it is!

..:: I AM THINKING! ::..

( Please Do Not Disturb!) ...